Continue Its Course in a Sentence

But the surprising fact is that cultured and learned men not only do not notice it for themselves, but they contest every exposure of the harm and stupidity of patriotism with the greatest obstinacy and ardour, though without any rational grounds; and they continue to belaud it as beneficent and elevating.
Exit the highway, take a right off the ramp, then continue down the street until you get to the first traffic light.
The negotiations have gotten nowhere, and I see no reason to continue with this pointless exercise.
West African folktales that continue to be passed from generation to generation through storytelling.
The team will continue with their drills until the coach is satisfied with their performance.
The can't continue because they're just too fatigued and exhausted.
The traditions will continue only as long as the next generations keep them alive.
It was indicated that the boards might continue as voluntary associations of council leaders.
Some Neanderthals continue to resist the education reform bill.
Violent skirmishes with the enemy continue despite talks of peace.
This is an outrage! I won't allow this kind of behavior to continue.
If we continue to ignore these problems they will only get worse.
Even though my husband forgave me and gave me another chance, I still continue to see my affair.
End now all unkindness. Let us put the Jew to ransom, since the leopard will not change his spots, and a Jew he will continue to be.
After that King George III lost control of Parliament and was unable to continue the war.
Education did ultimately continue, and was centered in the monasteries and cathedrals.
All aspects of Aristotle's philosophy continue to be the object of active academic study today.
At the age of seventeen or eighteen, Aristotle moved to Athens to continue his education at Plato's Academy.
Hot tapping allows a pipe or tank to continue to be used while it is maintained or modified.
The IPCC projects that ice mass loss from melting of the Greenland ice sheet will continue to outpace accumulation of snowfall.

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They would continue to suffer greatly but they have a strength that is remarkable. I am humbled by them and privileged to be with them.
One of their leaders, Togodumnus, was killed, but his brother Caratacus survived to continue resistance elsewhere.
With their superior discipline, the Romans were able to continue fighting as fiercely as ever.
In spite of Barnes' work, arguments over the strength and depth of Constantine's religious conversion continue.
In brief, it states that after the Romans left, the Britons managed to continue for a time without any major disruptions.
Sweyn's descendants through his daughter Estrid continue to reign in Denmark to this day.
There he was received as king in return for his oath that he would continue the laws of Cnut.
The practice of slavery was not outlawed, and the Leges Henrici Primi from the reign of King Henry I continue to mention slaveholding as legal.
With his northern borders secured, Edward felt free to continue his major offensive against France, laying siege to the town of Calais.
However, Richard Hooker's appeal to scripture, church tradition, and reason as sources of authority continue to inform Anglican identity.
It was expected that Elizabeth would marry and produce an heir to continue the Tudor line.
Archaeological investigations continue to find tantalizing clues and funding is being sought to continue recent excavations.
However, in 1994, it was agreed that its status as a Realm in its own right could continue.
Cromwell divided his army, leaving some in Scotland to continue the conquest and led the rest south in pursuit.
He sent the Earl of Feversham to William to arrange for a personal meeting to continue negotiations.
Once elected, Members of Parliament normally continue to serve until the next dissolution of Parliament.
He would rather live in exile with his principles intact than continue to reign as a limited monarch.
After the death of either William or Mary, the other would continue to reign.
In a federal or confederal union the states continue in existence but place themselves under a new federal authority.
Sixteen Commonwealth realms voluntarily continue to share the British monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, as their head of state.

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Larger canal companies survived independently and were able to continue to make profits.
Socially, Pitt preferred the company of young men, and would continue to do so into his thirties and forties.
Prime Ministers of Commonwealth countries which retain the British monarch as their sovereign continue to be sworn as Privy Counsellors.
However a system of publicity, Ensor argues, had to continue to escalate to maintain its high visibility in the media.
Chamberlain found it impossible to continue to lead a National Government or to form a new coalition government with himself as leader.
In April 2016 NHS staffing levels had been overestimated and without increases in staff the pressure on the NHS will continue.
In April 2016 he reported that NHS staffing levels had been overestimated and without increases in staff the pressure on the NHS will continue.
By continuing to ignore these warnings, social care remains in crisis and councils and the NHS continue to be pushed to the financial brink.
Members of the public continue to have access to the Strangers' Gallery in the House of Commons.
Early 2015 saw the Labour lead continue to fall, disappearing by the start of March.
The party however failed to continue its representation at the 2016 election, coming within a hundred votes of taking a seat in East Antrim.
While they no longer fulfil this role, they continue to be used for statistical and some administrative purposes.
The boards in most cases continue to exist as voluntary associations of council leaders, funded by the local authorities themselves.
Seventeen convicts are awaiting transfer to continue serving their sentences in their homeland.
Firstly, I continue to base most species treatments on personally collected material, rather than on herbarium plants.
We met the birthparents several times, had a ceremony where they gave us their baby and we will continue to communicate with them.
Once coral bleaching begins, corals tend to continue to bleach even if the stressor is removed.
I resolved to continue in the Cave, with my two Servants, my Maid, and a Boy, whom I had brought from France.
And as long as cannabusiness remains highly profitable to the criminal underworld, the battle will continue.
In some countries, cashews continue to be cracked manually although cracking machinery and other shelling mechanisms have been introduced.

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And as Global English evolves through the twenty-first century, Chinglish will, undoubtedly, continue to have a sizable impact.
Can you account him wise or discreet that would willingly have his health, and yet will do nothing that should procure or continue it?
Morrell says whatever the details, the United States will continue to pursue a military and civilian counterinsurgency strategy in Afghanistan.
In Illich's deschooled society, schools would continue to exist but on non-compulsory basis.
The acres of doghair will continue to decline, due to the experimental program.
If you continue on your present course, my reckless and rowdy friend, you will find yourself in durance vile.
So ecocritics continue to seek the solution to the solution by reference to nature. They steer with nature as their compass.
I tried if a pendulum would swing faster, or continue swinging longer, in case of exsuction of the air.
We will continue to monitor how the hurricane fares against projected models.
The favela is now the model for most of the world's cities, as vast numbers of people continue to migrate to them in order to survive.
They begin with flammkuchen or smoked salmon and continue with a cream soup or a Caesar salad.
With my promotion this month I will continue my steady journey to the top of the food chain.
If you have learned to chew your food, continue to fletcherize, be enthusiastic about it.
Thirdly, I continue to attempt to interdigitate the taxa in our flora with taxa of the remainder of the world.
Part of me wants to continue along this path and the other part wants to free roam off the beaten trail and find my own way or die trying.
A spit on the palm and a full-handed slap was a deal but if only fingertips slapped then the bargaining would continue.
I attended their concert first, so that was what gingered me to continue this school.
They continue to exist as regional groupings of the Local Government Association.
If all of the marks line up perfectly, then you're golden, and you can continue on with finishing up the installation.
Lizzie watched Kate and Claire continue their gushfest, from table to table, all the way across the cafeteria.

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China continues full steam ahead and the Americans continue to guzzle fuel, while supply becomes restricted.
Although Latin became the official language of Wales, the people tended to continue to speak in Brythonic.
If it is no more than a moral discourse, he may preach it and they may hear it, and yet both continue unconverted heathens.
I'm not ready to get attached, as I want to continue sleeping around.
Male voice choirs emerged in the 19th century and continue today.
With the big names of Europe assembled in Washington for the signing of the Atlantic Pact, the pact itself and its implications continue to be the world's biggest story.
Farming and fishing continue, but the main industry now is tourism.
Prize-winning books continue a trend toward increased representation of blacks, accounting for most of the books with exclusively black characters.
Under the Representation of the People Act 1867 Parliament can now continue for as long as it would otherwise have done in the event of the death of the Sovereign.
On 1 December 1648, the House voted 129 to 83 to continue negotiations with Charles for reforming the government on terms they had proposed and he had accepted.
After a short breather she was ready to continue up the hill.
In 1584, he introduced bishops, but met vigorous opposition and had to concede that the General Assembly running the church should continue to do so.
The British and Americans agreed to continue to press the initiative in the Mediterranean by invading Sicily to fully secure the Mediterranean supply routes.
If we have experienced a hostile world in childhood, we will continue to view almost everyone with a jaundiced eye and react to them according to our perception.
Secondly, I continue to base my concepts on intensive study of a limited suite of collections, rather than superficial study of every packet that comes to hand.
Although no longer serving as Prime Minister, Cameron originally stated that he would continue inside Parliament, on the Conservative backbenches.
They continue with me now three days, and have nothing to eat.
There are even examples, such as the Falklands War, in which an Imperial power goes to war to defend the right of a colony to continue to be a colony.
Cyprus would continue to create this imagined identity of Greek culture.
Caratacus escaped and would continue the resistance further west.

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With Daley's iron grip and his loyal band of alderpeople, he will continue to ride roughshod over what appears to be a very complacent Chicago populace.
The A303 cuts through the centre of the region from Salisbury to Honiton, where it merges with the A30 to continue past Exeter to the west of Cornwall.
Their lives are dedicated to world conquest, but they also know that it is necessary that the war should continue everlastingly and without victory.
The countries continue to commemorate this occasion on Anzac Day.
The boards may continue as voluntary associations of council leaders.
On some occasions the Commons were summoned and sent home again once the monarch was finished with them, allowing parliament to continue without them.
Great Britain would continue to use paper money for over two decades.
Battles between Crown and Parliament would continue throughout the 17th and 18th centuries, but parliament was no longer subservient to the English monarchy.
Louis died before Edward's arrival, but Edward decided to continue.
England and France nominally remained at war for another 20 years, but England was in no position to continue its campaign, due to its escalating internal conflicts.
The British responded by capturing the Danish fleet, breaking up the league, and later secured dominance over the seas, allowing it to freely continue its strategy.
Let me assure you, sir, that I will, in the interests of APANUA, continue the ceaseless fight against senseless acronymity, initialese, indecipherable abbreviation.
His admirers say that Napoleon wanted to stop now, but was forced to continue in order to gain greater security from the countries that refused to accept his conquests.
And as soon as we gave them the go to continue, we lost communication.
Britons continue to make up a substantial proportion of immigrants.
Stay focused on the company's mission so that you can continue to take steps in that direction. Whatever you do, don't go down the road of being a control freak!
Sam Fuller and the crew of New York Clipper continue to go great guns and retain a comfortable lead as they approach the south eastern tip of Cuba.
From these early splits, many more splits occurred intradenominationally and continue to occur as of 2004 with the splitting of the Grace Apostles from their parent church.
Without such restoration, coastal communities will continue to disappear.
When they refused, he ordered that all references to the case be expunged from the Journals of both Houses and that neither body continue with the dispute.

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Students may then opt to continue into further education for two years.
He would continue to do so all his life, even after the Kingdoms of England and Scotland were ended by their merging as the Kingdom of Great Britain.
In response to the threat, Cromwell left some of his lieutenants in Ireland to continue the suppression of the Irish Royalists and returned to England.


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